¿Algun nativo ingles o maestro de ingles o alguien que hable bien ingles?
2011-08-28 10:24:39 UTC
Ola hice esta carta en ingles es una tarea pero Yo no hablo bien ingles me gustaria que me ayudaras a checarla pora very si esta mal escrita gramaticalmente o errores que tenga o cosas de mas que tenga que quitar o poner ..

Dear Ms. Jones

I'm Lucia Actually I live with my parents and one of my two brothers I'm a Hispanic girl
I been living almost 2 years in united state I was born in Mexico, and I'm lover of animals and
Music some of my Mexicans traditions are Christmas and Cinco de Mayo I like to have
Fun with friends and family some activities that i do when i'm out of the school or just on vacations is
To visit my grandfather and play some sports like futbol and volleyball. I don't really like the school at all but I must have to study for a better life in the future. If i could change something about school I would like to change some of the school rules. What I really like about the school is that you learn something new everyday It depends how much you like the school and I don't attend school for a social side. Some of my goals in my life are to graduate from college or university and to travel the world helping needed people.

Sincerely :

Me podrian ayudara gracias 5 stars la mejor respuesta.!!
Cuatro respuestas:
2011-08-28 10:55:34 UTC
Dear Ms. Jones

I'm Lucia. CURRENTLY, I live with my parents and one of my two brothers. I'm a Hispanic girl.

I HAVE been living almost 2 years in THE United StateS. I was born in Mexico. I'm A MUSIC AND ANIMAL LOVER. Some of my Mexican traditions are Christmas and Cinco de Mayo. I like to have fun with friends and family. Some activities that I do when I'm out of school or just on vacations ARE VISITING my grandfather and playING some sports like SOCCER and volleyball. I don't really like school at all but I have to study TO HAVE a better life in the future. If I could change something about school IT WOULD BE lTS rules. What I really like about the school is that you learn something new everyday. (It depends how much you like the school and I don't attend school for a social side.) Some of my goals in my life are to graduate from college and to travel the world TO HELP (POOR) people./PEOPLE IN NEED

Sincerely :



Actually= en realidad

Lo que esta en parentesis no tiene mucho sentido, no se exactamente que es lo que quieres decir. Si quieres decir que no vas a la escuela para tener una vida soscial seria."I don't go to school/attend school to have a social life".

Tambien necesitas puntos para separar tus oraciones por lo cual inclui algunos puntos en tu carta.

@Gregorio si vivieras en USA sabrias que Cinco de Mayo es un holiday aca que no se traduce como May 5th, needed people,es gramaticalmente incorrecto, es United States no United State. "Futbol" es soccer, futbol americano es football, etc.
2011-08-28 21:23:55 UTC
I'm Lucia Actually I live with my parents and one of my two brothers I'm a Hispanic girl

I have been living almost 2 years in united state I was born in Mexico, and I'm a lover of animals and

Music some of my Mexicans traditions are Christmas and may 5th I like to have

Fun with friends and family some activities that i do when i'm out of school or just on vacations is

To visit my grandfather and play some sports like futbol and volleyball. I don't really like school at all but I must have to study for a better life in the future. If i could change something about school I would like to change some of the school rules. What I really like about school is that you learn something new everyday It depends how much you like school and I don't attend school for a social side. Some of my goals in my life are to graduate from college or university and to travel the world helping needed people.
2011-08-28 17:30:11 UTC
Dear Ms. Jones

My name is Lucia, I live with my parents and one of my two brothers. I'm a Hispanic girl

who has been living almost 2 years in the United States. I was born in Mexico, and I'm a lover of animals and Music. Some of my Mexicans traditions are celebrating Christmas and Cinco de Mayo(explica que es lo que se festeja). I like to have fun with friends and family. Some activities that i do when i'm out of the school or just on vacations is to visit my grandfather and play some sports like futbol and volleyball. I don't really like school at all but I havo to study for a better life in the future. If i could change something about school I would like to change some of its rules. What I really like about the school is that you learn something new everyday. It depends on how much you like the school and I don't attend school for a social side. Some of my goals in my life are to graduate from college or university and to travel around the world helping needed people.


2011-08-28 17:28:10 UTC
querido señor jones

hola, soy lucia. actualmente vivo con pis padres y uno de mis 2 hermanos. soy latina, llevo 2 años viviendo en e.u. y naci en mexico, soy una amante de los animales....

si me contactas por mensaje lo traduzco copleto. (tengo prisa)


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